Spanky's Go-Go

Monday, February 12, 2007

There's Love In The Air.... Sort Of...

Valentines Day is quickly approaching, and thankfully, I'm ready. I picked up a few things for the g/f, including a card that should at least make her blush. I'm not big on spending a lot of money for Valentines Day. I'm more of a Birthday/Christmas spender. Despite all the commercialization of this holiday, I have not forgotten what this holiday is really about. That 4-letter word that a lot of people seem to fear, or hate, so much... Love.

For the past few years I've been rather annoyed when this time of year came around, mostly because I was single, and due to the commericalization of the holiday, and all the in your face advertising and media push basically implying that there is something wrong with you if you are single. Well, I personally don't think that way. This holiday is for everyone, not just couples. It's about love. Love for your fellow human beings. You don't have to be "in love" with someone to "love" them, and you don't have to be dating someone to give them a valentine. I wish all my friends a happy valentines day, single, dating, married, whatever. It's about the love people, not the marital status, despite what the big companies say.


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