I Have Opinions, Deal With It!
Lately at work I've been stating my opinions, and my views on particular topics. Most people are fine with this. They are respectful, they listen to what I have to say, offer their insights and we have nice intelligent conversations. There are a few however, that don't seem to think that anyone elses opinions matter. I will admit I can be opinionated, and I'll defend my opinion to the death if need be, however if proven wrong, I'm adult enough to admit that I was wrong, mistaken, or even a little misguided or ill informed. The people I'm talking about will crap all over your opinion just because it differs from theres, and despite providing numerous sources to support your opinion, you're still wrong, and always will be wrong and shame on you for having an one that differs from theirs.
I'm a tolerant person to a point, but I find lately I've grown tired and easily annoyed by people who don't respect what others have to say. Now I will admit sometimes I get a little wrapped up in my own opinions and become a little like a mother hen lecturing and cluckin' away, and I really don't mean to, I'm just a little passionate about some things and there's nothing wrong with that, I'm not fanatical or anything. I won't blow up a building just because someone there disagreed with me. However, I do think everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if I'm respectful of yours, you should be respectful of mine. If I disagree, that's not disrespect, I just don't agree and wish to discuss if further. Disrespect is automatically dismissing an opinion because it's not yours. Being that close minded and ignorant, well, just pisses me off.
Anyway, what I'm getting at, I suppose, is that I have opinions and I will express them and if you can't deal with that, and are too wrapped up in your own little sheltered world now to listen to what I have to say with an open mind, just don't talk to me :) We'll both be a lot happier :)
I'm a tolerant person to a point, but I find lately I've grown tired and easily annoyed by people who don't respect what others have to say. Now I will admit sometimes I get a little wrapped up in my own opinions and become a little like a mother hen lecturing and cluckin' away, and I really don't mean to, I'm just a little passionate about some things and there's nothing wrong with that, I'm not fanatical or anything. I won't blow up a building just because someone there disagreed with me. However, I do think everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if I'm respectful of yours, you should be respectful of mine. If I disagree, that's not disrespect, I just don't agree and wish to discuss if further. Disrespect is automatically dismissing an opinion because it's not yours. Being that close minded and ignorant, well, just pisses me off.
Anyway, what I'm getting at, I suppose, is that I have opinions and I will express them and if you can't deal with that, and are too wrapped up in your own little sheltered world now to listen to what I have to say with an open mind, just don't talk to me :) We'll both be a lot happier :)
At Thursday, May 04, 2006 ,
Likalia said...
No you don't! Remember that!
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