Long Shift, Short Sleep, Long Weekends
Alright, Day 3 of my new shift. I must say I'm feeling it. I'm not complaining though, it's totally worth it. Having a 3 day weekend all the time is completely worth it. Now I'm only supposed to have this shift for 3 months, however with the rumours that have been flying around the office, it may be more like 6 months. Not like I really care, I wouldn't mind having long weekends through-out the summer. :)
On a different note, it's Tax season, and due to the online tax return problem, I am going to be mailing in my tax return, but because I moved to a different province, I didn't receive the forms in the mail, and now have to attempt to track them down. Naturally everywhere I go, there are none left :( I still have a little more than a month left to get it filed, but still, I'd rather get it done sooner than later.
And lastly, the g/f and I sat down last night, and I voiced my concerns about this friend of hers, she accused me of being insecure, and I explained to her it wasn't that I didn't trust her, it was I don't know this guy, I don't know what his intentions are and because of their past (they dated for a few weeks) naturally I have some concerns. As well, me being my over analytical self, I look at all the possibilities. I'm sure I've got nothing to be concerned about, however, there is naturally that tiny nagging voice that says "be careful".
Anyway, that's all for now. A good ramble I must say. 'till next time :)
On a different note, it's Tax season, and due to the online tax return problem, I am going to be mailing in my tax return, but because I moved to a different province, I didn't receive the forms in the mail, and now have to attempt to track them down. Naturally everywhere I go, there are none left :( I still have a little more than a month left to get it filed, but still, I'd rather get it done sooner than later.
And lastly, the g/f and I sat down last night, and I voiced my concerns about this friend of hers, she accused me of being insecure, and I explained to her it wasn't that I didn't trust her, it was I don't know this guy, I don't know what his intentions are and because of their past (they dated for a few weeks) naturally I have some concerns. As well, me being my over analytical self, I look at all the possibilities. I'm sure I've got nothing to be concerned about, however, there is naturally that tiny nagging voice that says "be careful".
Anyway, that's all for now. A good ramble I must say. 'till next time :)
At Wednesday, March 14, 2007 ,
Likalia said...
Efile is back online now hun. :)
File to your hearts content, receive money back faster too, which is the real reason one wants to electronically file anyway.
I'm with you on the note of caution, people are people, when connections are made, they are not easily broken no matter how simple they originally seem. Plus I am a firm believer in following gut instincts.
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