I Thought Crushes Were For Kids, or Maybe That Was Trix...
As you may have gathered from the title of this post, I have a crush. I thought these were something you had when you were young and immature. When you were young and naive in the ways of the heart. I can remember being in Junior High and having them, and when someone found out, you'd get teased about it, you'd blush and sometimes you'd "go out" with them. Hold hands at lunch time, maybe make out, badly I might add because most kids at 13 have no idea of what they're doing, and within a week or two the whole thing would be over and you'd move on to the next one.
Since I've been an adult, I didn't really find myself getting "crushes". I'd find a woman attractive, make a "move", if things progressed, great, if not, well, I moved on. However, recently, I find myself crushing on this particular woman, and due to complications I won't get into, it's hard to actually do anything about it, and it's driving me mad!
Have I regressed to the state of mind of a horny teenager? No longer in control of my feelings or my hormones? No longer capable of weighing the pros and cons of the situation, coming to a logical conclusion as to my course of action and then following through on that conclusion? Has this woman gotten to me so bad, that I don't know what is up or down anymore? Did I not think it was possible to feel this way and now I'm totally confused and have no idea of what to do, where to turn, or how to, with risk of sounding redundant, feel?
Since I've been an adult, I didn't really find myself getting "crushes". I'd find a woman attractive, make a "move", if things progressed, great, if not, well, I moved on. However, recently, I find myself crushing on this particular woman, and due to complications I won't get into, it's hard to actually do anything about it, and it's driving me mad!
Have I regressed to the state of mind of a horny teenager? No longer in control of my feelings or my hormones? No longer capable of weighing the pros and cons of the situation, coming to a logical conclusion as to my course of action and then following through on that conclusion? Has this woman gotten to me so bad, that I don't know what is up or down anymore? Did I not think it was possible to feel this way and now I'm totally confused and have no idea of what to do, where to turn, or how to, with risk of sounding redundant, feel?
At Friday, May 19, 2006 ,
Likalia said...
Do you want me to pass her a note during study hall??
I brought my colored pens with me today we could make it really pretty with little doodles on it. ;)
At Monday, May 22, 2006 ,
Maggie said...
Likalia you rock my world! I have stickers and scented note paper we could use as well ;)
But seriously - and this really isn't news, but I've having the same problem and I know... I KNOW that's it's futile and stupid and (insert adjective to describe ludicrous feelings here) and, I have done the pros and cons and the plausibility factors but still that really doesn't seem to matter so you are not alone! I'm hoping the summer will stop the insanity.
At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 ,
Likalia said...
It is so great that you are moving on from all those people in NS, that were driving you nuts. (Yes you all know who you are, and if I were there I would have kicked your asses!!)
Isn't meeting new (especially hot) people exciting?
New crushes, new life. Just make sure she is willing to live on the WEST coast before you get too attached. ;)
*huge hugs*
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