Spanky's Go-Go

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Canada Day and Then...Progress Report: The Sequel


July 1st, our beautiful country's birthday. Happy Birthday Canada, You Sexy Bitch! Thank you for having wide open spaces, beautiful scenery, less polution than our neighbors to the south, being the birthplace of Hockey, birthplace of some of the great minds in history, home of some of the worlds best beer, and for being my home and native land :) and though I could go on and on about how great this country is, I'd rather not bore everyone with a patriotic speech when there are others out there that could do a much better job so I'll move on to my progress report :)

Yes, this is yet another progress report. With my life being a little hectic the last little while, I find I have less time to sit and dwell on my thoughts, then bitch and complain about dwelling on my thoughts. I've been spending much more time living and enjoying life, trying to make the best of it.

So, things in my life are going good I guess. Work has been a bit of a pain lately, new management making changes that are not required and ruining the efficiency of the crew I work with. I mean, sure everyone has their own way of doing things, but this twit is forcing us to conform to his way of doing things, and that would be all well in good, except, his meathods, well, for lack of a better word, suck. So that's been a bit of an annoyance.

My relationship with the crush has been going rather nicely. Although sometimes I get annoyed with her, but that's to be expected. I'm sure she gets a little annoyed with me sometimes too. I mean, my parents have been married for nearly 37 years, and I know for a fact they get annoyed with one another on a regular basis, but they still love each other and stand by each other. That's love in my books. Not running like a gizelle from a cheetah at the first sign of some rough roads. I guess I have matured a bit in the past few years, and that I would assume is a good thing.

Anyway, other than that I purchased some new clothes, some new movies for my ever growing DVD collection, tried some new restaurants and learned that I'm a lot stronger overall then I ever realized I was. So all in all, things are pretty good :)


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