Now, heated words have been exchanged, feelings have been hurt and it would appear that I, as well as a like minded friend, are responsible. However, due to the post that was made, I don't feel I should be held responsible, nor the like minded friend. If you are wondering why I feel that way, I shall proceed to explain.
The entire point of the post in question was for people who visit my site to understand my sense of humor and to engage in battles of wit with me, and others who visit my site, without people walking away offended or with hurt feelings. So, once the post was made, I expected the witty banter to follow and was looking forward to the challenges that awaited me. Although despite my best efforts to make that point very clear, it has been missed.
So, allow me to make this very clear, if you make a comment on my site, be fully prepared for the witty banter that will follow. If something is in very bad taste, I will do something about it. Although, if I find it witty, and witty doesn't always mean funny people, I will allow it. If you dish it, be prepared to take it. With that said, keep it clean people, witty is one thing, nasty is another. May the battles of wit commence.