Spanky's Go-Go

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Christmas Shoppers Are Out And About....

Well, as I'm sure we've all noticed, the Christmas season is upon us once again. Now, I don't hate Christmas, in fact I actually love it. What I do hate is how stupid and rude it seems to make some people. This is supposed to be a happy time of year, yet people are pushing and shoving in the stores, driving crazy on the roads and cutting each other off and disobeying basic traffic laws, and the list goes on and on.

Personally I think this is a result of the over commercialization of this holiday. People have become so focused on the shopping and material things, they've just forgotten about all the good things that this holiday is supposed to be about. I'm not going to sit here and preach this or that, and go on and on about the religious aspects of the holidays. Far from it, I'm just tired of people using this holiday as an excuse to be rude and ignorant because of "all the shopping I have to do.."

I know in the past I've been guilty of things like this, but this year I'm trying extra hard not to get caught up in the negative aspects of the holiday season, and will focus and try to be positive and cheerful and see if that helps. :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Winds Of Change Are In The Air

Well, after my rant a few days ago, things have actually begun to change. My g/f has started to say "No" to her sister. She doesn't feel bad because the things she's said "No" to, where things that she shouldn't have been asked in the first place, it was just the sister being lazy.

I know this is hard for her. Now, some people seem to think I get upset and want her to say "No" to make myself feel better. No, that's not the case. This is nothing to do with me feeling better. This is about her and her life. Even if she wasn't my g/f and just a friend, I would feel the same way. This is about her being able to have her life, and not have to sacrafice any aspect of it for anyone else. Not for me, not her parents, not her sister either. I would never ask of her or anyone for that matter the things her sister asks of her, and I feel it is unfair to my g/f to be asked such things and to be made to feel guilty for trying to have a life of her own.

Anyway to wrap things up here, things are starting to change and for the better. We'll have to wait and see what the fallout is going to be like ;)

Christmas Isn't Until December!!

I went shopping this morning for some of the basic things I need in my day to day life. Groceries, Toiletries, etc. While I was shopping I was bombarded by Christmas decorations, music and displays. I was rather disgusted. :(

I firmly believe that these decorations should not be put up until the end of November at the earliest. This is simply because I feel out of respect for our veterans, these things should wait until after Rememberence Day. I most likely feel as strongly about this as I do because I am a military brat and my father served 25 years for his country, My Older sister served 13 years, and my grandfather served in World War II. So needless to say, it a topic I can be touchy about. If you're asking why I haven't served? Simple, I know I'm not suited for the military, I don't have the personality or the demeanor for it, and I have the utmost respect for those who do.

Anyway, back to the point at hand, the Christmas decorations. Now, I do understand the business' perspective on the matter. I have worked in retail, albeit for a short time, but I have worked in retail none the less, and I get the whole money making aspect of it. However, I do feel that they could be a little more respectful to the people the fought and died for what we have, and those who continue to defend it.

Now I'm curious as to what other people think about this matter. Am I out of line? Have I hit the nail on the head? Let's hear it folks :)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Putting Others Before Yourself

Well, this post is going to be a bit of a rant, so if you're not in the mood to hear a rant, stop reading now. If you do continue reading, do keep in mind that the person I am going to talk about does not read my blog. Doesn't even surf the net at all anyway.

Okay, to start off. Putting others before yourself, in theory a noble thing to do. However, people today are very greedy and selfish and tend to take full advantage of people who put others before themselves. My g/f is a person who puts other's before herself, and her sister is the greedy selfish bitch who takes full advantage of her noble nature. I have hit a point where I'm so sick and tired of the sister taking advantage of my g/f's kind heart as an easy out for any problem she may have. Whether it's babysitting, drives somewhere, or whatever. It's to the point now, where the sister is so bold she'll call my g/f's work, have her paged and ask her to babysit, at the last minute I might add, just so she can follow thru on whatever last minute plans she may have. Now, am I the only one who see's a problem with this? Honestly! My g/f gives and gives and gives, and the sister just takes and takes and takes, and not once has she done anything for my g/f. NOT ONCE, in the 6 months my g/f and I have been together, have I seen her do ANYTHING remotely kind for her. It's just gimme gimme gimme, and if my g/f happens to say no, well, the sister cries to Mommy, Mommy comes down hard on my g/f and my g/f caves and does it anyway.

I'm sorry if I sound like a selfish bastard, but the point here is not for me to have my g/f all to myself. Far from it. The point is, my g/f gives all her time, money and energy to helping out her sister, and she isn't allowed to have her own life. For christ sake it's like they are angry with her for having a job and not being a live in slave or something. Now, whenever I get upset about this, the line I get from all of them is "that's what it means to be family". Like I don't understand what it means to be family. I do understand, I have 3 siblings, and I have done a lot for them and they have done a lot for me. However, I NEVER took advantage of them the way my g/f's sister takes advantage of her. Family help each other yes. Family are there for each other yes. Family don't borrow your car, drain the tank and don't give you a cent of money for gas and never even offer to pay for gas. Family does not guilt you into cancelling plans you made 3 weeks in advance at the last minute so they can go out to something they just found out about today.

I know I'm ranting and raving here, don't worry, of this I am well aware. However, am I the only one that thinks this is just disgusting? I do understand my point of view may sound a little biased, but I'm only providing the facts, and it's coming across that way for a reason. I'm not sure what I should do. I love my g/f very much and I hate to see her treated this way, and I've reached a point where I may end up saying something that will either end our relationship, or will greatly hurt her relationship with her family. So the questions is now, what do I do?

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