Spanky's Go-Go

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Where did my Voice Go?

Late last week, I came down with some kind of laryngitis. I took the proper steps to take care of it, cough syrups, lozenges etc. It got better after a couple of days, and on Monday I went back to work. But by end of the work day on Tuesday, my voice was gone again. I went to the doctor yesterday seeing how my voice had vacated my body once again. It seems that I went back to work a little too soon and seem to have caused some damage to my vocal chords and was told by my doctor to take at least 5 days off work to recover from this, and while I'm "recovering", don't talk much, if at all.

So I'm staying at home, even though the weather is nice, trying to get better. I had been seriously sleep deprived for some time, so I've been catching up on sleep. I've had some house work to get done that I'd been putting off because I haven't been feeling well, lack of sleep, sore throat, etc. So I'm not just sitting on the couch the whole time watching TV and being lazy.

Other than that, not much else going on, so 'till next time :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mission: To Do List...

Well, I'm happy to say, mission accomplished, well, almost :) Out of a list of about 20 things, I accomplished about 15 of them in the span of a 2 days. Yes I do have 3 day weekends, but I took one of those days as a relax day and didn't do much of anything but watch the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Go Canucks Go! ;)

I had been putting off many of those things, simply because I wasn't in the mood to do them, but they were things that had to be done. So I got to work. It felt good to finally have those things done and out of the way so I can focus on something else, at the same time though, I would have liked to have spent more time relaxing, but hey, who wouldn't.

Work has been so busy as of late, and the 10 hour shifts I do are brutal. Then, when my days off arrive, my g/f has all sorts of plans made for us and I'm sitting there trying to figure out when I'm suppose to sleep. I mean, when her days off come, she makes her list, and completes it. I don't get factored into the equation until after the list is done. When MY days off come around, well, I'm not supposed to have a list, I'm supposed to be ready for whatever she's got lined up. So this past weekend, I took back my days off, and my to do list was first and foremost. I don't think they g/f liked it all that much, but I needed to get these things done, and in the end she did understand. :)

Anyway that's all for now. :) 'till next time

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Beautiful Weather, Negative Attitudes

The weather outside today is gorgeous. Beautiful sunshine, blue skies, a few fluffy clouds and a nice mild breeze. I wonderful day to be outside enjoying the weather. I always find that when the weather is nice outside I feel better. My mood improves and physically I feel better.

The only downside to a day like today is I have to work. So I have to be inside when the weather is so nice. But I sit near a window, so I can look outside and at least enjoy it a little bit. The thing that annoys me the most is people who bring their negativity with them to work and whine and complain about having to be inside on a nice day. I try to be positive at work at all times, because even though I may be having a rough time outside of work, that's outside of work, there's no need to bring it in to the office with me and spread it around ruining other peoples day.

Moving on, I have begun to slowly adjust to my new sleeping schedule that I'm required to be on for my new shift at work. Which is great, being less tired at work is surely a great advantage. Hopefully it's not a temporary thing and I'll continue decent sleeping patterns. Anyway 'tis all for now. :)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Belated Happy Easter

Well, another Easter has come and passed. It was a fun Easter, I spent it with my family. The only downside was my g/f was not with me, she had to work all weekend. So, it kind of sucked, but it also gave me a bit of a break to just have some "me" time, which is also kind of good. My mom went and made a wonderful Easter dinner, which I won't get into the details, rest assured it was very yummy :)

The only downside to the entire weekend was the drive home from my parents place. Normally this drive takes a little less than 2 hours. Due to the nasty Easter storm we had, and the snow that came with it, the road conditions were less than stellar and the trip took nearly 3 hours, as was a white knuckle drive. But other than that, I had a pleasant Easter weekend.

Anyway, I don't really have a lot to say today, other than I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter weekend :) 'till next time :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop...

Actually it's more like a Snore Snore. After 3 weeks on my new shift I have still not yet adapted to the new sleep schedule, and it's soooo frustrating. I try to go to bed ontime, but when I do, I just lie there, wide awake and unable to sleep. I mean, okay, yes I am a bit of an isomniac to begin with, but I shouldn't be having as much troubles with sleep as I have been.

It'd be nice if I could go to the doctor and try to get some help with my current sleep problems. Maybe have some tests done and figure out a way to get some sleep. But alas, I don't have a doctor. Not because I'm too lazy to go out and find one, because there is a shortage of doctors in the area in which I live, and I'm on a waiting list to get a family doctor, and in the meantime I can only go to an after hours clinic, and well, they aren't much help for something of this nature.

Anyway, other than that, things are pretty good. Works been hectic, but hey, that's why it's called work :) So, that's all for now, 'till next time :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Could Things Be Getting Better?

After yesterday's "day of talks", I'm hoping that things are getting better. I had numerous talks yesterday, and hopefully they all did some good to resolve tensions between my g/f and I, as well as her and her father. For those of you who talk to me on a regular basis, you understand how messed up my situation is with my g/f and current living arrangements. Anyway, just take some comfort in the fact that I personally feel the talks did some good.

So with that said, I'm really hoping that things are going to get better now. I think everyone is now on the same page, for the first time in a very long time. As well, I hope that everyone is aware of everyone else's expectations, that way the confusion level is kept to a minimum, and yes I realize that's not exactly an easy thing to do if I'm involved.

Now that all that has happened, I'm hoping my stress levels will drop a bit so I can sleep a bit better. I've been so stressed out lately, so on edge that I have not been sleeping well. When I don't sleep well, things tend to get worse rather than better, because my apathy level goes up the more tired I am. Apathy goes up, work production goes down, and overall I just stop caring. With my stress levels hopefully going down, I'll be able to get more sleep, and translate that into a more positive attitude. Anyway that is all for me, I've ranted on enough about nothing much at all, 'till next time :)

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