Spanky's Go-Go

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It's My Birthday and I'll Bitch If I Want To....

Well, another year has passed in what I guess you could call my life. I'm now 27 years old. My god! I'm in my late twenties, where the hell did my early 20's and mid 20's go? Oh yeah! that's right. In the crapper! :) Well, this birthday should be much better than the past 3 have been. Although, the fact I have to freakin' work on my birthday totally sucks! I was originally going to have it off, then naturally my boss has to go and mess with the schedule and screw it all up! Bastard!!

Anyway, despite having to work, it should be a good birthday. I have a girlfriend this year, how is treating me to dinner, as well as special presents ;) My family has already dropped off my b-day presents which were things I wanted, but are actually practical, I must be getting old *LOL* Now it's time to begin going through the numerous e-cards that are cluttering up my email box.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Progress Report :)

Well, I figured it's been a while since I've posted something on my blog and it was about time I did so, seeing how for some, it's the only source of info on my life because of hours I work and am online and blah blah blah blah. :)

Okay, so first off, Work. Work is going well, I had my 3 month review, and it was very well. I have been placed into a training program of sorts to groom me for a supervisory position. Not sure how long this will take, but hey, it's progress and I'm happy about that. My co-workers are naturally a little jealous, seeing how I've been there 3 months and some of them have been there 4 years and have not made the progress I have. It's not my fault I'm motivated, intelligent and DEAD SEXAY!! ;) Ahem, moving on.

My relationship with the crush is moving along nicely. I can see this being a very long term thing. We go together very nicely, and being told by her family members that I'm the best thing to happen to her in a long time, well, that just makes me beam like you wouldn't believe. And Maggie and Likalia, you can puke all over that as much as you want ;)

Anyway, so with all that said, I'm kind of riding an emotional high. When I first moved to my new location, I was skeptical and unsure if things would improve, and when things weren't I was starting to regret making this move. However, suddenly things have taken a very sudden change for the better and I'm happier than I've been in a very long time and that's what really counts. I only wish everyone I know can be as happy as I am right now, it's be a wonderful world to live in. I just hope it lasts. :)

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