Spanky's Go-Go

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Some of My Stuff Has Been Recovered.....

Well, after a very stressful weekend, a very nice lady found some of my stuff contacted me and I got some of it returned. The most important stuff, that being my work items have been recovered, so that's a huge load of stress that's been lifted and removed from my shoulders. The only thing that was actually stolen was my brand spankin' new Nintendo DS and 3 Games. :(

I can't say I'm not upset, because I am. Anytime you have anything stolen, regardless of the value, it's a violation that is difficult to get over. However, I'm not as upset as I was mostly because the stuff that I was really concerned about has been recovered. So now, I just have to keep a watch on the pawn shops and game trade-in stores and see if it shows up. If not, and I still want to have one again, I'll have to suck it up and go buy another one. Which would totally suck, but that's life.

Other than that, Things are going pretty good, I just got to pick a new shift for the next three months and I'm excited about the one I got. It gives me Mon -Thurs, 10 hour shifts, with Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. I think that's pretty darn snazzy all things considered. Anyway, that's all the news for now.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

You Never Understand Until It Happens To You...

What happened I hear you asking. Well, I got robbed. I was carpooling home from work with co-worker friends, we stopped off for about an hour at one of their houses, came back out to the van in which we carpool in, to find the glove compartment opened, and it's contents thrown everywhere, and my backpack, which had all my work stuff in it, including a headset that is worth a fair chunk of change, as well as my brand new (just bought it today) Nintendo DS lite, gone. The other bags in the car were still there, and their contents still present, just my whole backpack, gone.

I know this is not as bad as being mugged, or having your car stolen. I get that. The only thing I'd ever had stolen from me before, besides my dignity, was a pair of running shoes. This hurts a little more than the shoes I must say. I mean, first off, I worked very hard to buy the DS, it was a belated xmas gift to myself, and the work stuff that was in my backpack, well, I can't put a price on it, because I really can't estimate it's full potential value, I can say I know the headset that was taken that I use at work, fetch about $500.00 or more. Further more, the fact I may have my wages garnished to pay for it, even more upsetting.

So aside from having the worst day at work I've had since I started, add this to the mix and it makes for a pretty crappy way to end the week. So, for those of you that have been violated in this way, regardless of the value, that feeling you get deep down in your tummy, I totally get that now, never did before, I do now, and I hope to never have to feel this way again.

Monday, February 12, 2007

There's Love In The Air.... Sort Of...

Valentines Day is quickly approaching, and thankfully, I'm ready. I picked up a few things for the g/f, including a card that should at least make her blush. I'm not big on spending a lot of money for Valentines Day. I'm more of a Birthday/Christmas spender. Despite all the commercialization of this holiday, I have not forgotten what this holiday is really about. That 4-letter word that a lot of people seem to fear, or hate, so much... Love.

For the past few years I've been rather annoyed when this time of year came around, mostly because I was single, and due to the commericalization of the holiday, and all the in your face advertising and media push basically implying that there is something wrong with you if you are single. Well, I personally don't think that way. This holiday is for everyone, not just couples. It's about love. Love for your fellow human beings. You don't have to be "in love" with someone to "love" them, and you don't have to be dating someone to give them a valentine. I wish all my friends a happy valentines day, single, dating, married, whatever. It's about the love people, not the marital status, despite what the big companies say.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Making Headway... At Work At Least...

This week I was given a nudge forward in my position at work. I'm doing what is called at my company as mentoring. More or less helping fellow employees that are struggling get better. I am soooo enjoying it. It's a great stepping stone on my way to the training department, which is where I want to go. So I'm really happy about that.

The g/f and I are doing well, although we haven't been able to spend much time together the past couple of weeks, her working days and me working evenings, makes things difficult, but we'll get through. The apartment hunting is still on going, but I'm not looking as hard, not until April. Not unless something completely amazing appears and there's no way I could pass it up. Otherwise, It's on somewhat of a hold until April. Anyway, that's all the news for now, my life isn't all that interesting at the moment. Not a lot of drama or craziness at the moment. :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Annoyed :(

I'm in a not so cheerful mood today. For the second time in as many weeks, I booked an appointment to see an apartment, and the land lord rented the place, and didn't call me to let me know it had been rented, so I call an hour prior to the scheduled appointment and feel like a tool after being told "Sorry, it's rented". This is starting to get on my nerves. The whole not being able to see the apartment, or having the opportunity to put in an application rent the apartment is not really what's getting to me, it's people not having the courtesy to call and at least leave a message. Then again, maybe I'm expecting too much of people, yet again.

Anyway, other than that I had an enjoyable weekend. It was very quiet, movies, Jenga and a few other board games. I attempted to watch the Superbowl, but oddly enough my g/f and I fell asleep watching it, although we woke up in time to watch the half time show with Prince, but other than that, we did more snoozing than watching. I swear I'm turning into my father. He always falls asleep watching sports games on t.v. Doesn't matter if it's Football, Hockey, Baseball, whatever, he falls asleep. I seem to be doing the same lately. I try to watch Hockey games and Football games and I fall asleep. I don't think it's the sports themselves that put me to sleep, I think it's the announcers voices. Oh well, not the worst thing in the world to have happen I suppose, there are worse times to fall asleep I'm sure ;)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Look

Well, after about a year of the same old black and white text I've decided to change things a bit. Since my favorite colour is blue, I figured this was a good fit. It's much more cheerful than the drab black background I was formely using. Anyway, there's nothing else happening right now that I feel the need to comment on, I hope you all enjoy the new look :)

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