Spanky's Go-Go

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Uh Oh...

Well, Likalia has pulled ahead in our little post-off on our blogs. Although I will admit that due to the time zone difference between us, she has me at a bit of a disadvantage. What do I mean? well allow me to explain. I am on the east coast, she is on the west coast. There is a 4 hour time difference between us. Therefore, by the time the day is done, she still has 4 hours left to post, and respond to the number of posts I've made. So if I only make one post today, she has 4 hours to match that, or surpass it.

NO NO NO! Not fair! Waaaaaaaaah! I'm taking my ball and going home.

Actually, I'm not. It just boils down to, is that she wanted it more than I did. Seeing how today is the last day for posting, and this will most likely be the only post I make today, congrats Likalia. You came from behind and gave me a whoopin'. Hopefully in the next post off, I'll be better prepared. :)

For those of you rooting for me, sorry I let you down, but I will avenge thee! Just not sure when. Anyway, that all for now. Once again, congrats Likalia :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

10 more...

Only 10 more posts until my 100th post. All things considered, that's kind of sad. I've had this blog for over a year, and I'm now just getting close to the 100 mark. You would think with me being so opinionated and often suffering from verbal diarrhea I would have posted more in the last year and a bit.

Although I will admit, my blog isn't my top priority. I have a life to live and I live it. If I don't have the chance to update my blog for a few days, oh well. Hell I've gone months with only a 2 or 3 updates. However, 3 years ago if I had this blog, there would have been an update everyday. However, it's not 3 years ago, and a lot has changed in my life since that time.

Anyway, work is going well as you've read lately, however there is a lot of negativity in the workplace. Mostly because people are not happy with the shifts they are ending up with, and are a little jealous of me because I got my dream shift. However the complainers are among the minority really. They just tend to make the most noise.

I'm really looking forward to summer now that I will be moving to day shifts. I know I've listed numerous reasons why before, but I left out one crucial point. I get to BBQ more! :) YAY! Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sausages, Steaks, Corn on the Cob...... and the list goes on and on and on. :) I love BBQ food. LOVE IT. However, it does tend to add the poundage to the old body. However, I will have more time to exercise (as I've said before) so it all balances out :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just 2 1/2 More Weeks

In 2 1/2 more weeks I'll be starting my new shift. I'm so excited to be leaving these horrid 10 hour evening shifts for the normal pace of a regular day shift. :) I haven't worked a day shift in over a year now, and I'm looking forward to it. Getting up with the sun rather than going to bed.

I'm hoping that the new shift will help me and I'll be less tired all the freaking time. I get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night, however it doesn't ever feel like it's enough. I get to work and I'm tried, so I usually partake in some coffee or an energy drink. Not the greatest habit I'm sure, but it's what's been getting me through.

I have high hopes for change when I switch to my new shift, and just hope I don't blow the oppertunity. I mean, I'll have chances to get so much accomplished now that I'm off at 6pm rather than 12:30am. I can go to the gym. I can cook my meals without waking other people in the house up therefor not rely on frozen dinners and other pre-made crap. I can be online a little more and actually get to talk to a good majority of you all the more often. It's a great chance to swing things around, just hoping it doesn't fall apart on me.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Work Place Stuff...

As some of you have read, if you read this on a regular basis. I'm sort of a driven person, who strives to move up fast in my job. Well, recently I had been getting frustrated, because it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere despite my best efforts.

Well, this week, a little recognition has come my way. I received an award at work called "The Apex Award", which is basically a recognition of consistent great work over a set time period. They do one every business quarter, and very few people get it. I was 1 of 4 who received it this business quarter and there are over 400 people eligible. So that says something.

The interesting thing is, as soon as I received this, I immediately began helping in other areas of the company which I had been trying to get into for the past few months. So that makes me happy :) Hopefully, this is a good sign of nice things to come

Money In, Money Out

I finally got my income tax return back this past Friday. I was so happy to see it in my account. Although it didn't stay in there very long :) I went out and purchased a brand new dresser to match my bed, some new clothes and a new book.

I didn't have an enormous return, but it was a decent size and I was so happy to be one step close to completing my bedroom set by adding the matching dress. All I need now is the nightstand and I'm done :)

On the weekend my girlfriend and I celebrating our 1 year anniversary. I know that's not a big deal really, but still it's important to us, so we celebrated. We didn't go crazy or anything, just a nice dinner and some movies at home. Although I was very upset after my g/f told her sister that Saturday was our anniversary and to not interrupt in anyway, and she still called at 11:30pm looking for a ride to Wendy's for a frosty, and she lives 5 minutes away walking distance. I'm proud of my g/f for saying no, however I was livid because of the fact she was told not to call on that date because it was our day. Everyone else in her family, and mine respected those wishes, except, naturally her sister. So, needless to say I was a little pissed. Anyway, that's all for now :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Could I Be A Hero?

Today outside my work there was a horrible car accident, involving 3 vehicles. 2 cars and an S.U.V. The people in one of the cars and the S.U.V only had minor injuries, however the man in the 2nd car had a large gash on his head and was bleeding badly, as well was trapped in his vehicle. How do I know all this? well, I witnessed the accident from the window by which I sit at work, and I know the people who were actually on the sidewalk coming to work when it happened.

Now, I do know First-AID, and I'm a fairly strong guy, I'm not superman or a heavy duty power lifter, but I'm stronger than the average bloke. I don't faint at the sight of blood, and don't get squeamish easily. The question I'm asking myself is, had I been there, on the sidewalk when this happened, would I have been able to jump in there and help? Or would I have been in too much shock and just stood there frozen in panic?

I would like to think I'd get in there and help. I don't think I've ever really been in a situation like that where I would need to react instantly to help someone in danger. I guess I've sort of been lucky in that sense. I'm hoping that if that time ever did come where I had to help someone in need like that, I'd be able to move quickly and be smart about it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

It seems that is they way the world works. A few good things will happen then something crappy will happen to set you back a bit. Just when you rebound from that crappy thing and things start going good again, WHAM! something else pops up.

Why is that? I mean, okay, I do understand that life is not easy, and these obstacles are just something you have to deal with. However, for some the obstacles seem so small and insignificant that it barely breaks their stride, and for others, like myself, the obstacles seem enormous and devastating and when you do overcome them you're exhausted and just happy that you are still okay.

It's not surprising a good majority of the population of this country, hell, this Continent are suffering from anxiety or depression. I must admit it's hard keeping afloat and not sliding down that slippery slope. With the world being in the state it's in, both politically and environmentally. As well with the break neck pace of day to day life being what it is, it's getting harder and harder to keep up.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Gloves Are Off....

As indicated in my previous post, there's a bit of a rivalry going on for the rest of the month between Likalia and I, in terms of the number of posts on our blogs. So, we have been discussing the rules, and the only thing we have left to agree on is the number of posts allowed, per day. I'm thinking 3, Likalia has suggested 5.

Anyway, while we figure that out, here's a quick run down of the rules so far:

1. Qualifying posts must have a minimum of one paragraph.
2. Post must not be random babbling such as what you ate for lunch.
3. No cheater posts - a post of links does NOT count.
4. Photos only count if they fall under item 1.

if there are any other rules you feel we'll need to make this "duel" fair, don't hesitate to post a comment. Anyway, that's all for now, things will really pick up tomorrow ;)

Let the Blog Duel Begin...

Well, if you've been reading the comments on my page, and reading my good friend likalia's site, you'll know there's a bit of a duel going on. If you haven't been reading either I'll give you a little background info.

Since I started this blog a little more than a year ago, I haven't been the most frequent updater, where as Likalia has. Although recently, Likalia hasn't been so frequent, where as I have been. So for the first time in nearly a year, I have more updates in one month than Likalia does. Which, for those of you who know us both, is scary.

Now that this has happened, I have decided to continue being more frequent, well at least until the end of the month, to ensure that I'll have one month of more posts to my credit. I know that seems like a nothing accomplishment, but to me, it's still an accomplishment. :)

I'm hoping this will motivate Likalia and get her posting more than she has been, more or less to give me something to read when I'm bored at work. Although if she posts every few days with a nice big post like the one she posted yesterday, I can't complain too much :)

Now that I think about, I may have to continue with this frequent updating thing, although like most things, I'll most likely start out strong and just fade off later, and now that I type that, I can feel many verbal jabs heading my way, oh well, I can take it, let's see who can be the most creative :)

Anyway, that's all for now :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Allergy Season, Day 6

Well, my allergies are finally under control. Thanks to large amounts of allergy medication, and the rain that's been falling the past few days. It's nice not to be so miserable that I just want to crawl in a hole and never come out. This week, and for the next month, my g/f is house sitting for her grandmother. I somehow got conned into staying with her for the first week just so she gets settled. My older sister seems to think otherwise, but whatever, I know the real reason I'm there and that's what matters.

Work is going to be busy over the next few weeks. People taking time off, weather getting nicer and people calling in "sick", all that nonsense. So I need to be sure and get lots of rest, I know I'm going to need it. Not sure if that's going to be easy considering where I'm staying. Anyway, that's all the news.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Allergy Season Phase 1 Day 2

Well, it's day two, and needless to say I'm miserable. I'm stuffed up, have a nasty cough, and my head feels about 3 sizes bigger than normal, and I have a pretty big noodle to begin with.

I'm working today despite feeling like crap. I'm not sure how much of my shift I'm going to get in before I'll have to give up and go home. I mean, every time I cough I'm seeing stars and feeling dizzy. Most likely due to lack of oxygen from being so stuffed up. :(

On a different note, I'm looking forward to the next few weeks, my g/f is house sitting for her grandmother while she is away on vacation, so I'll be able to spend more time with her without outside interference. YAY! That makes me happy, even though I feel blah.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Allergy Season Phase 1

Well, allergy season is in full swing. The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, and I'm sneezing like an elephant with a cold. I've got lots of allergy meds to get me through the next couple of weeks, although that doesn't change the fact my head is going to be a little cloudy for those two weeks, which makes works a little more tiresome than it already is.

The good news is, in a couple weeks I will start my nice new shift which I'm really excited about. I'll be able to have something of a life. I am getting off these 10 hour shifts, I praise the people who love them and can do them, as for myself, 10 hours at this job, I can't do. 10 hours of something else maybe, but not this job :( I'll miss the three day weekends, but I'll give up one of those days to be off at 6pm instead of 12:30 am.

The good thing about this shift change, when it happens, is I'll be able to exercise again. I've put on a bit of weight since January, and even more since I started these 10 hour shifts. I'll be able to exercise for numerous reasons. First, I won't be so drained from work, I'll actually have the energy to actually exercise. Second, I'll be home at a reasonable hour so I can exercise and not keep everyone in the house awake with the constant clanking of weight plates and the hum of an exercise bike, and naturally me panting and sweating up a storm. Third, and lastly, I'll be able to prepare proper meals to help with weight loss and exercise, instead of relying on quick instant crap that's full of salt and preservatives that are not exactly healthy compared to say, a grilled chicken breast and steamed veggies for example. :)

Anyway, that's all the news for now. I hope everyone is well, and if you see me on face book, add me would ya? I know I have more than 10 friends out there ;)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Improvements :)

Well, I had some good news when I came into work today. My supervisor came up to me and because of all the hard work I've been doing, to reward me, I get to pick my shift. I get to HAND PICK my shift :) I'm floating right now. I've been working so hard since September to get this, and finally, the hard work has paid off. What would be even better if I were to get the position as a training coach, but in all honesty I don't expect that right now, so being able to pick my shift is a nice consolation prize :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

C'est La Vie

Well, after reading a nice long Non-cheater post by likalia at her site, I felt obligated to make a post. Actually, her post was so long and because I had teased her about cheater posts, I felt kind of guilty for not having updated my sight and well, here I am.

Speaking of feeling guilty, I also felt guilty for not joining Face book after numerous people had invited me. So yesterday I went and joined face book, so all of you who sent me invites or are on face book already, look me up :)

Moving along. Work has been frustrating lately. It seems the harder I try to get ahead, the further back I end up. I want to move ahead, and positions open up that I could be great at, but then there are prerequisites that I don't have, and those are the only thing that are holding me back, because I know the other people applying have those skills/training. I have a meeting today with someone a little higher up, so maybe I can sweet talk my way into getting some of the training I need.

The g/f and I are doing well. There hasn't been too much outside interference as of late, thankfully. Which makes things easier for us. Not a lot to report on that front, other than we're doing well and we're quickly approaching the one year mark of us as a couple. Which is pretty amazing considering my track record *LOL* Anyway, That's all for now, hope all are well. :)

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