Spanky's Go-Go

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Light Show

Last night we had an incredible thunder and lightning storm. It last about 3 hours and it was super intense. It was like someone put a giant strobe light in the sky and turned it on max. As well, there were many many many lightning strikes in the area, the thunder was so loud the windows rattled and my bed shook.

Normally I wouldn't mind a thunderstorm, I would more than likely sit at my window and enjoy the show and marvel in the power of nature. However, it was about 3 am and I have to be up at 7:30 am to get ready for work. So after the first 30 minutes I was cursing mother nature and calling her names that are reserved for only the most disgusting of degenerates. At that point the power was knocked out, there after I apologized and meekly climbed into my bed and tried to sleep.

Naturally, I over slept and missed my bus. Luckily my g/f was off today and was able to drive me to work, otherwise I would have been about 10 minutes late after taking the next bus. I haven't even really got started yet and I'm already exhausted. :( Ah well, it'll be early to bed for me tonight, get as much sleep as possible and hopefully no more thunderstorms of that caliber, well, until the weekend that is :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

100th Post!

Whooo Hooo! Break out the noise makers and the confetti! I've reached the 100th post mark. Actually I would have thought I'd make it here sooner, but oh well.

Anyway, last night I played Softball with my company team, and after a shaky first at bat, played very well, went 3/4 and was the participant in a very nice double play. Actually I was involved in 95% of our outs since I was playing 1st base. *LOL* Regardless it was great and I'm looking forward to playing more often. I have 2 games next week, and a tournament in about 3 weeks.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed playing organized sports. It's been a long time since I've been on a team and playing in a league of any kind. I grew up playing sports, Hockey, Rugby and Baseball. Sure it's nice to win now and again, but that's not why I joined this league. I joined to get exercise and get out of the house doing something I enjoy. My g/f is very excited to come and watch me play ball. I had wanted to play in a league last year but couldn't due to the job and the shifts I worked. I am joining mid season, and I was nervous about how I would play and if they wanted me to join the team, but after the 1st inning of playing 1st, the whole team was like "there's our new first baseman, well it kind of made me feel good about myself.

Anyway, I'm rambling on here, and I'm sure most of you don't give two poops about all this. So I'm going to leave it at that.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Where did my weekend go?

Well, my first weekend of my new shift has come and gone. It seemed to go by so quickly. Although considering I had 3 day weekends for nearly 3 months might explain that. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't rained so darn much!

I joined the softball team at my work last week, thanks to my new shift, and wanted to get some practice swings in at the local batting cages. I dragged my g/f down there with me, got there, and it started to rain. So we were getting ready to leave and the rain stopped. YAY! time to get some practice. I get over to the batting cages, and this family, consisting of about 10 people, had monopolized the cages. They were wearing all the helmets, had all the bats and were lined up outside 1 cage (there are 6 separate cages, each with varying speeds). Unfortunately, they were rather unwilling to share one helmet and bat amongst themselves and allow other patrons the use of the remaining helmets and bats. Rather rude and ignorant if you ask me.

Anyway, by the time they were finished it had started to rain heavily and they had to close down the batting cages. :( So I was a little ticked off. I didn't make a scene, although I would have liked to give them a piece of my mind. I don't think it would have bothered me as much if they had been good at it. But out of the 20 pitches you get for dollar, they hit maybe one each round. Two would be generous. Oh well, not a hell of a lot you can do about it I suppose. It's up to the people running the cages to take care of that, not me.

Anyway, I did manage to get some shopping in and got my b-day cash spent. I got some new clothes, a new belt + buckle (g/f isn't as fond of the buckle as I am but oh well), some new DVD's to add to my ever growing collection (I have over 300 titles now), and a few other things. Anyway, it was a good b-day this year and I have nothing to complain about in that regard. I got a decent haul on the b-day loot, many b-day wishes from friends and family, my g/f took me out to dinner and what not. All in all, a good b-day.

Well, that's enough rambling from me for today. I have a ball game tonight and hopefully the lack of practice won't hurt me or the team too much. I am rusty and I'm a little nervous, although I'm sure it'll be okay in the end. That's all for now, 'till next time :)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday To ME

Well, today is my birthday. So far, it hasn't been anything extraordinary. It's raining, The bus was late, and I have to work today :( Boooo! Ah well, no biggy. Just another day I suppose. I have already recieved some birthday wishes, which are always nice to get. Not sure how I'm going to do in the birthday loot department, but I'm not too concerned. I may be a kid at heart, but I'm not a kid anymore, and I don't expect mounds of presents anymore.

For those of you wondering, I'm turning 28 today. Ugh! 28. That's 2 years closer to 30. The big 3-0. *sighs* Oh well, can't stay young forever, or can I? Maybe I can live like a hermit, save all my money for the next year and a half, then get cryogenically frozen for 6 months, then when I'm suppose to turn thirty, my body will still think I'm 29 and 1/2.... okay maybe not.

Anyway, no more ramblings from me. Time to work, then after work, dinner with my g/f and presents :) YAY! I wonder where she's taking me for dinner? Most likely McDonalds knowing my luck *LOL*

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day Shifts - Day 3

Well, I'm on the third day of my day shifts, and I'm still enjoying myself. I like going to bed when the sun just sets and getting up just after it rises. It's a nice and refreshing change as apposed to my previous schedules :) I must admit, the workplace is far different during a day shift than a night shift. There's a higher level of professionalism, and to be honest, I fit right in.

I don't feel the jealousy or resentment I did when I was on night shift. Then again, that's more likely because most of the people on the night shift, well at least in this company, are in the lower end of the spectrum. If you seem a little confused, I'll explain. The company I work for is stats based. Meaning you preform well, you get to pick a good shift. Now, day shifts here are the desired and treasured shifts, so in order to get one, you better do a good job. If you don't well, chances are you'll end up on an evening or night shift.

So with all that said, and coming full circle on my explanation, the people that preform well and work hard tend to have day shifts and the people who don't preform, bitch and complain about those who do, tend to work night shifts. Naturally there are some exceptions, but for the most part, that's how it goes. In all honesty, I love it :) Now that I'm on day shifts I get to work with people who have the same attitudes towards work that I do, and I can't say how much better that is than working with a bunch of bitchy complainers not willing to put forth the effort to get what they want, or at least bitch about wanting.

Anyway, moving along. I've started getting back on track already with my exercise and diet. Last night after I got off work, I stopped at the grocery store, picked up some salad fixings, baby spinach, mushrooms, onions, feta cheese and dressing, went home and worked out for an hour, 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights, then made myself a lovely salad for dinner and relaxed for the rest of the evening. I can sooo get used to this :) Speaking of working out, I am not as out of shape as I thought I was, however I am out of shape, and it was time I got my butt in gear and did something about it :)

Well, that's all for now, 'till next time :)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Day Shift: Day One

Today is the first day of my new exciting day shift that I've been rambling about for the last month or so. I arrived to work early, excited and ready to go. Despite not sleeping well last night. Waking up every couple of hours and checking my alarm clock to make sure I didn't over sleep was a bit of a pain, but oh well, rather be on time and a little tired, than totally late yet well rested.

I got into work, sat down and fired up my computer. Checked my daily schedule to see what my breaks would be, and BOOM. They still have my old shift posted with breaks. So, I'm sitting here going WTF? So after a few minutes of panic, I got it all sorted out and everything is cool now :)

My weekend was great, got to spend time with my folks and siblings. My dad got me good though. He conned me into mowing the lawn as part of his Fathers Day gift. *L* Well played dad, well played. :) I got to enjoy a scrumptious steak while the non-allergic got to enjoy lobster. Anyway, that pretty much sums up what's going on with me at the moment. 'Till next time :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Excitment :)

Well, today is the last day I work a 10 hour shift. Thankfully. I've been doing these for three months and let me tell you, it sucks. Well, at least for me it does. I'm very excited to be starting my new 8 hour day shift come Monday :) 10am to 6pm with Saturday and Sunday off. Whooo hooo! I'm so happy. I have that at least for the summer, maybe longer depending on how things go.

As well, this is my Friday. This weekend I'm heading to my parents place to spend fathers day with my folks. As well, most of my siblings will be there, if not all of them, which will be nice. :) I haven't seen many of them since Easter so it'll be good to see them again :) As well, my g/f will be going with me, she wasn't able to go at Easter and well, she's rather excited herself. :)

That's all I can think of right now. So 'till next time :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Blast From The Past

Well, I was looking through facebook the other day. Exploring the different groups out there for places I've been, schools I've attended and what not. Then I saw a name I had not seen nor heard in 17 years. It was the name of a girl who I went to elementary school with grades 4 through 6. She moved away at the end of 6th grade and that was the last time the name ever crossed my mind.

Now, thanks to facebook we've struck up a conversation and we're talking casually via facebook. What I think is so funny is back when we were in elementary school, I was such a geek! I mean, I was picked on regularly, and didn't have a lot of friends, despite being rather good a pretty much any sport. I mean, that changed when I hit the 8th grade and I sort of "changed". Anyway, I was a geek is my point, and she was not. I would have never thought 17 years ago to be talking with her now. I mean, it's not like this is some elementary school crush that I never got over. I have a g/f and she has a b/f, this is just two people who went to elementary school together, curious as to how things have been for the last 17 years.

I'm thinking I'll have to start looking up other people from the past on facebook, of course that could be met with some backlash. Naturally there are going to be people out there that forgot me the moment I moved or school let out or whatever and want nothing to do with me anymore. That's life. However, it could be interesting to see what happens.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Weather is Wonderful....

So why am I so tired? It's sunny, 23 to 26 degrees Celsius outside, for you people that go by Fahrenheit that's about 80 degrees. I should be smiling, happy and all that but I'm not. I'm tired, I feel like I'm dragging my feet and my mind is cloudy.

I'm not sure what the cause is. I have been stressed out a bit with work being crazy and all sorts of changes going on. As well, the 10 hour shifts I'm on do kick my butt, mostly because I don't get a lot of time to unwind and relax before I need to be in bed to get enough sleep for the next day. :( Lame excuse, but it's more or less the truth.

Well, I'm going to day shifts next week, and I'm looking forward to that, as well as the upcoming weekend, a nice little family get together will be nice :) Anyway, that's all for now. :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Random Thoughts...

Well, only 8 more posts after this one until I reach the 100th post mark. As well, there are only 16 more days until my birthday. And only 7 more work days until I start my new shift. So there are a few things I can look forward to I suppose.

At this moment it's rather difficult to stay positive and upbeat with all the negativity around me. Mostly at work, and because I do spend a fair amount of time there, I feel it a great deal. It's not that I'm negative, it's more that there are a lot of negative people at work directing their negative feelings towards me, because I do well at work and they don't, or using me as a "shoulder to cry on" as it were.

So with all the crap floating around me, it's hard to keep a smile on my face and a jump in my step. I mean, yes I understand why they feel the way they do, and I do. I'm good that way I guess, very understanding and able to see things from multiple perspectives. However, it doesn't mean I feel it's justified. I work in a place that rewards based on performance (get your mind out of the gutter you perverts) and if you don't preform well, you are rewarded less. It's pretty simple really. Work hard and you'll be noticed and rewarded. Slack off and you get squat. How hard is that to comprehend?

Okay I know I'm not the greatest or the best performer, however I work hard and the company I work for recognizes that and rewards me accordingly which I truly appreciate. If I slacked off and someone else was getting the things I'm currently getting, well it's no one's fault but my own really. It's not my supervisors fault, it's not the company's fault, the only person who can take responsibility for me and the work I do, is me. It's amazing how many people forget that, or even realize it in the first place. They seem to think it's someone else's job to make sure they work hard, years ago, yes that was the case, cracking the whip and all that. However, now days company's have gotten a bit lazy and rely on the workers to motivate themselves. It's just a sad reality of the modern workplace. Well, at least in the majority of the public sector anyway.

Anyway, I'm finished my rant now. I feel better :) That's one thing this blog is good for, just spewing out whatever is on my mind and getting it out there, and no longer bottling it up. Less negativity inside is good :)

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