Spanky's Go-Go

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Busy Busy Busy.... :)

Well, I know haven't made a post in a bit, so I figured I'd make one. Things have been busy the past week or so. Lots of stuff going on. Softball games, work, and a new book to read and movie to see.

Softball and work are both good, we won both our games this week, although we only won 1 of 4 last week. Not for lack of trying, we were short people and couldn't field a proper team, but alas that's just an excuse. Work on the other hand has been busy. I figured with it being the summer things would have slowed down a bit, how wrong I was. Things haven't slowed down, they've gotten more intense, oh well I work days and they go by quickly and I get to see more of the goings on I missed when I was on evening or night shifts :)

The new book I speak of is the 7th Harry Potter book. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I finished the book in about 3 days. It took me in total about 11 hours to read, had I just sat down and read straight I would have been done in a day, however, I have so much other stuff going on, despite how much I wanted to do that, I couldn't. I really enjoyed the book, although I've enjoyed them all honestly.

The movie I saw, shockingly was the 5th Harry Potter movie. If I hadn't of read the book before I saw the movie, I think I would have enjoyed the movie more. Due to the size of the book and the restrictions on time for the movie, they had to cut a lot of material from the book, which I missed a lot. I mean, they did convey the most important and key elements from the books, but the character development of particular characters was missing and I felt that hurt the movie. I mean, it was much better than the 3rd movie, OMG don't even get me started on that one. Anyway, I shut up about that now.

So that's what I've been up to for those of you that have been wondering. This weekend I'm going to see a baseball game of the local mens team. I'm looking forward to it, it's been awhile since I've done something like this :) Anyway, that's all for now :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Softball, lots and lots of it.

Well, this past Saturday I played in a tournament with my Softball team. We went 2-1, which sadly wasn't enough to get past the round robin. Even though we played very well and had a great runs for and against average. Oh well, it was a lot of fun and I had a great time. I even was drawn at random and won a shirt of some kind which I'll get later today from the manager of the team.

After playing the tournament on Saturday I have a game tonight and another tomorrow night, barring any changes in the weather that could cancel the game. My g/f has really been enjoying the fact that she's been able to see 90% of the games I've played this season, even though I joined the team midway through the season. I have some concerns about playoffs later in the season. That is, if we were to make the playoffs, would I get to play as much as I would like. Mostly because there is a guy who started the season on the team, but due to the new schedule is now unable to play. However if there are games, tournaments or playoff on the weekends, he's able to play. I found this out on Saturday when I started having to play half games so he could play. Not to sound egotistical, but I'm just as good if not better than this guy, and I'm not there to drink like he is, I'm there to play. However, apparently he's been on the team a few seasons now, and I just joined, so I guess there's a little seniority going on. Ah well, I'll just make sure I play well over the next few games and maybe the manager will sub him with someone else rather than me. :)

Anyway, That's all the news for now. All I do is work and play softball, which is fine by me. 'till next time :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eventful Week

Well, it's been a busy week. Last weekend I went and saw Transformers and enjoyed it. Went to the local air show and had a pretty good time. Then last night played softball and won both games. :) So I'm actually in a pretty good mood. Plus the ol' roommate is going away for the weekend, so I'll have a little more freedom at home as well.

Work has been going well, my advancement training has continued and I spent yesterday in meetings for the most part. I enjoy the meetings because it gives me some great insight into what I can expect when the time comes for me to be responsible for a team of people. I have had people tell me that I'm a natural leader and I hope that I am, and I know I'm driven and a bit of an OCD perfectionist, natural leader, well, we'll see.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Belated Happy Canada Day!

I hope everyone had a great Canada Day. Mine was pretty good, had some great BBQ food, spent time with some great friends, but didn't get any fireworks due to poor weather, but hey, they're on for tonight and the weather is to be good, so YAY!. I also have a Softball game tonight, and I'm just starting to feel recovered from last weeks game. If that weren't enough, I have another game tomorrow night. UGH! I'm going to be so tired and sore on Wednesday *L* Ah well, it's worth it in the end. I love to play softball, and it's good exercise which I really need.

I'm a little sore today, mostly in the arms. I went to the batting cages and cracked off over 100 pitches. Now my right arm is sore and my right hand is a little twitchy. Although it was good practice and I needed it. It feels strange though because I didn't miss a single pitch and I had a bit of a crowd watching me bat because of it. I mean, I'm not a great batter, it's always been the weak part of my game. These people didn't seem to think so, especially the little kids. You swear I was some major league ball player taking batting practice the way these kids were going on. All the "Whoa!"'s and "WOW!"'s I heard was kind of flattering, but also a bit annoying when you're trying to concentrate on improving your swing. It was hard to resist the urge to show off and be all fancy and crap.

I don't care who you are, if you're good at something, be it playing a musical instrument, playing a sport, playing a video game, magic tricks, whatever, if you notice someone is even the slightest bit impressed by what you're doing, you get this sudden urge to show off. We all do it, and don't pretend you don't. I mean, being a braggart about being good is different, that just gets under a lot of peoples skin, but wanting to show off because you have this little kid in awe of what you can do well, I think we've all been there. Anyway, coming back full circle ;) My arms and hands are a little twitchy today and I hope it doesn't affect my playing tonight.

Okay, so I've rambled on long enough. I hope everyone had a good Canada Day (for those of you who are Canadian) and 'till next time :)

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