Spanky's Go-Go

Monday, December 24, 2007

Changes, Holidays and So On....

Hey All!

I know it's been a long time since I've updated this thing, and for that I apologize. My life, well, got kind of crazy the past few months. So I think I'll quickly try to update you all on what's been going on, and give you some insight into my hiatus.

In September I came down with a very bad bout of pneumonia, which put me out of action from work for nearly a month and half. Very nasty stuff. Then when I was well enough to go back to work, I had come to the conclusion that I didn't like my job very much and was tired of all the crap going on in the workplace, and really didn't want to go back. So, with that I quit. Just like that. BAM! quit.  I was always told that if you don't like something in your life, change it. Stop dwelling on how much you don't like whatever it is, get off your butt and change it. So I did.

I went out and pounded the pavement shortly there after, and quickly found a new job. I like this job, sure it's hard work, but I like that. I've lost 20 lbs in the past month and a bit that I've been at this job and despite being a little sore and tired from the Christmas rush, I haven't felt this good in some time. It's so nice not to have to deal with the mental stress that my previous job liked to dump on me. Sure I didn't' want to leave the friends and co-workers I liked behind, but you know what, the ones that really meant something to me, I just keep in touch with them anyway.

Now the holidays are upon us and for some reason that fact hasn't really set in yet. I mean, it's freakin' Christmas Eve and I don't feel very Christmas-y. However, once the g/f gets off work we're driving to my parents place so maybe once I get there I'll feel a little more of that holiday spirit. If not, I'm sure I can find it's liquid equivalent.

Anyway, that pretty much catches you up on everything that's been going on in my life. Okay, sure it's a condensed version, but it's better than nothing at all I suppose. Anyway, I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Spank-O is Gone-O

Monday, September 24, 2007

It's Official...

Fall is upon us. Time to put the shorts away for another year, and break out the sweaters, jeans and light jackets. The ankle biters are back in class, the amusement parks are getting ready to close down and I am ready to freak out!

I've finally hit the point where I hate my job :( I'm so unhappy right now, and it's affecting all aspects of my life and that's not cool. I'm ready to quit and just walk out the door and not come back, if it wasn't for the good health plan I have I would have done it already. :( I have begun looking for another job, and hopefully with some luck I'll have something else soon. I don't think my employers realize just how unhappy most of their changes, that were "for the better", have made people, myself included.

You know it's bad that when I don't want to get up in the morning and go to work. I'm not afraid of work. However, this job is starting to get to me, and I've reached a point where going to work is more painful than the prospect of having no job at all. Not good at all!

What changes could the company I work for make that would make me so unhappy? Well, that's a long story better not discussed on my public plug, but needless to say the changes pretty much keep me in my current position for a very long time, hence the unhappiness. Anyway hopefully in the very near future, I'll escape to another company, where I won't have to deal with the garbage I currently do.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is It Friday Yet?

Is this week ever going to end? Seriously, Friday can not come fast enough for me. I've got today and tomorrow to get through work and then my weekend is upon me. I just want to sleep! Since the doctors adjusted my medication for my ulcer, my tummy is feeling better, but I'm sleeping less. Not Fair!

I'm hoping this will improve soon, because I can't continue like this, always tired, cranky and feeling stressed. A day at work is so much easier to deal with when you've had a good nights sleep. The cranky factor is greatly reduced and is less of a complication. If I was well rested and felt bright eyed and bushy tailed, work would not stress me out in the least. However, when you're tired, cranky and don't even want to get out of bed to go to work in the first place, well, that changes things a bit.

Anyway, I guess I should go and find some cheese to go with this whine...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Road To Recovery

Well, after a few visits to the doctor and several adjustments in medication, I suppose I'm on the mend. So hopefully, in the near future the ulcer I have now will be a distant memory and I can get back to living and eating normally, which would be great because soup and crackers are getting old fast.

Not much to report right now in all honesty. Just been trying to get better, and somehow, someway get some sort of vacation, because I really think I need it. A nice break from work would be both welcome and appreciated, and in all honesty I think I've kind of earned it.

Anyway, enough belly achin' *LOL* no pun intended...

Monday, September 03, 2007

Things That Make You Go......Ugh

For the past few weeks I haven't been feeling all that great. A lot of nausea and it's been hard to keep much down. I just thought I had a bit of a stomach bug. However after a couple of weeks of not feeling so good, and it actually getting progressively worse, I figure it was time to go see a doctor.

So after seeing a doctor and a few tests later, it has been determined that I have...(drum roll please).... an Ulcer. Which is not really a surprise all things considered. I drink a lot of caffeine based liquids such as coffee, energy drinks, Pepsi etc. As well, I work a job that can be rather stressful at times and my personal life can get stressful as well. So you ball all that up, and presto! Ulcer.

If you've never had an ulcer, trust me, you don't want one. It's rather painful, restricts what you can and cannot eat or drink, and you tend to vomit stomach acid a lot. Lots of fun indeed. So with that said, I'm on meds and a strict diet for the next month and then we'll see where we're at.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Busy Busy Busy.... Again

Well, it's been a busy few weeks. I've had Softball playoffs, a wedding to attend, and work has been crazy for me. So, I'll touch on each quickly to give you an idea of what I've been up to.

Softball play offs started this week. We have 3 games, and must win 2 of 3 to make the semi-finals. Well, sadly we lost our first 2 games, so we now have no chance of making the semi-final, however we still plan to play our final game and try to end the season on a winning note. Personally I felt we were very capable of winning our first 2 games, however when only a small portion of the team gives it their all rather than the entire team, a loss is usual a sure thing. Well, hopefully next year will be different.

Next, the wedding. My g/f's cousin got married last weekend. It was a simply elegant wedding, and a simple and enjoyable reception. No real crazy wedding stories unfortunately. Now that I think about it, it was kind of boring. The highlight was the wedding cake toppers. The bride and groom were Han Solo and Princess Leia from Star Wars. I, as most of you know, being a Star Wars fan, thought this was wonderful, the majority of the other wedding guests, not so much.

Lastly, the craziness of work. For the past two weeks I've been involved in a project that had me supervising a small team, and helping other supervisors with their teams. So needless to say I haven't had a lot of free time at work. Most days I've been lucky to have time to sit down for 15 minutes and eat my lunch. I was supposed to be doing this until the end of the week, however I did such a good job, apparently, that the team no longer needs me and are just under the watchful eye of another supervisor for the basics (breaks, lunches, etc) The hard part, I've already taken care of and they no longer need someone supervising them. So in a way, kudos to me for a good job, but also kind of crappy that I have to go back to my normal role so quickly. Ah well, that's the way it goes I suppose.

Anyway, that's been my life for the past few weeks, and it's not going to slow up anytime soon I don't think, hopefully it's all worth it and I didn't run myself ragged for nothing.

Monday, August 06, 2007

What a Week!

Well, if you're wondering why I haven't made a post in the past week or so, and haven't been online or on facebook much, that's simple. I was a temp-supervisor while my supervisor was away on business. So basically for 4 days I was a supervisor. It was both a test of my abilities as much as it was my supervisor trusting me to look after things while he was gone.

I got to do the majority of the things a full-time supervisor would have to do on daily basis. I didn't get to go to special meetings, new hire interviews and wasn't given administrative access to the servers, but oh well, for being a temp, I got to do more than I could have expected or hoped for.

My supervisor is back today and he told me that he heard very good things from the other supervisors and that the site director said I did a great job. So I'm guessing I turned some heads, and have done myself a good service in getting that kind of position in the future. I really enjoyed the experience and look forward to doing it again for another supervisor if they take a leave of absence, go on vacation or whatever. If not, a full promotion would be nice too ;)

Anyway, other than that, I haven't done much and nothing all that exciting happened. The weather was supposed to get nasty here last week and we got lucky and it missed us by a few hundred kilometers. I had considered seeing The Simpson's Movie, but decided against it due to the large number of people at the movie theatres this past weekend. So that's all for me. Hope you all had an enjoyable week. :)

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